Fiesta Tasmania is a new, snazzy mag about the arts, culture, festivals, lifestyle and tourism in Tasmania. Launching in April 2023, the printed colour mag will be out three times a year (April-July; August-November; December-March) and freely distributed throughout Tasmania. Better still, to make it totally accessible to all, the articles will also be popped up here. Can’t get any better than that, right?

Our team are art and environment loving Tasmanian folks from diverse culture, working towards benefiting the community. Moreover, 10% of our profits will go towards supporting art and literacy programs in Tasmania.

Check out the demo magazine here to see what will hit the streets soon!

Brought to you by the good folks at Gaia Consultants Global. Yep, we are around to help your brand stand out with great content, design and more.

Requests for media coverage and inquiries on content contribution, welcome. Get in touch! Drop us a note using the form below. Or email your request to

We can also be reached at +61 459 352 532 from 10am to 5pm (text, call, WhatsApp, Telegram).