Hello! If you would like your brand to be in the spotlight in Tasmania, and beyond, talk to us. Fiesta Tasmania celebrates culture, festivals, lifestyle and tourism in Tasmania. The magazine will be out three times a year (April-July; August-November; December-March). The independent media is launching in April 2023 in print and online formats—freely distributed throughout Tasmania.  The ads, articles and online magazine will be released earlier in March as an added bonus of coverage. Articles will be posted here i.e. FIESTA TASMANIA'S own website.... plus its sister publication GAIA DISCOVERY. Plus, there will be social media support for advertisers! 


 Printed colour magazines with people stories, event highlights, features and calendar pullout will be distributed at Tasmanian cafes, pubs (even in villages), newsstands, grocers, libraries, community halls, events, markets, and so on. Yes, all over Tasmania, not just Hobart and Launceston.  

 Considering that FIESTA TASMANIA printed copies will sit on public shelves and counter tops for four months, it is a pretty good deal for businesses and brands to sponsor or advertise in it, starting from just $300.

To conclude, by supporting us - an independent publishing team - we will go the extra mile of promoting your organisation by way of editorial and advertisement to our three readership bases in FIESTA TASMANIA (print and online versions) .... plus GAIA DISCOVERY!

We'd love to have a chat with you on how FIESTA TASMANIA can put your brand in the spotlight! Get in touch … we promise not to be a bore! Hop over to CONTACT.